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Kimi. Aka Miavi. Online Gamer. Student. Blogger. Shopaholic. Frustrated Web Deisgner. Pink Princess. Cabal Archer. Feeds On Anything Sweet. Single But So Not Available. Emotional. Artistic. Friendly. Loyal. Hates Flirts, Haters and Plastics.

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so the header and blog site is © yours truly while the game we play, it's themes, characters and what most of the discussion is mainly about is © CabalOnline. blog layout designer is © to Lhezs. base code images are © to Sizs Shim Oo Ma. © Steph for the pop up message. while the pop up image is © Candied. © Photobucket for hosting my images. My blogs background music is © My Flash Fetish and © Adobe Photoshop program for my image works.!


FA Combat guide part 3
`Sunday, May 2, 2010 @ 2:45 PM

It’s almost an instinct of most players who have the urge for offense than defense to go bm2 (battle mode 2) in pk.

Normal attack while on BM2 can kill a target fast if a player has high magic attack. It can also be of no use if magic attack is not enough for an enemy’s defense so instead, we use skills. That’s what I did during my earlier days in war channel. My magic attack was not enough to kill while using normal attack. While in bm2, I would use AoS then cast GD, Shooting star on enemies who gang up on someone... good if I killed everyone, which happens rarely… worse case if their attention is transferred to me. The fb (if present) roots and debuffs while the rest of his allies combo and attacks me to death. Bad move I’ll tell you, that’s not thinking.

When I bought DB and amp gears at my 130’s my magic went up to 850’s. Normal attack while bm2 was of use with AoS. I’d spam it to enemies who are not on bm2 or fb’s who mana freeze me (before when MF cant stop our bm2 normal attack). Those who don’t dash away or knock me down would get killed. Worse cases, a hard-hitting wizard on bm2 comes in and fights. If I get stunned, that’s the end.

Fb comes in and execrates, stays away and waits for my bm2 to wear off or allies sometimes come and help him kill me. That’s still not thinking.

At lvl 135 came in the +7 orbs and sage cape. Magic went up to 900’s. Didn’t use AoS in normal mode while bm2. Skills like crit shot, GD, and SS were hurting them big time especially with aura. Worse case, Warrior or a Blader comes in and goes bm2 as well. Knocks me down with normal attack. If a warrior hits hard while spams normal attack on me or if a hard-hitting blader lowers my hp in normal attack then suddenly use bm2 skill (crushing blow) and crits? I'm dead. If you, in my shoes, still plan to attack them while they go for you? Then you’re crazy.

The common denominator of mistakes lies on offense. Even without bm2 most players who hit hard (fully geared) does more attacking than defending. It is true that only quite a few hard-hitters know how to think ahead. We should think ahead of the situation. Whichever class we’re fighting against that’s present, we should know already, before they do it, the worse situations we can get from facing them (I’ve mentioned it), so we can think of a plan to prepare ourselves. Focusing your attention to one person is a mistake in war but focus it to all enemies in view and expect that some might pop out from nowhere… then you’ll be thinking. Say you’re in bm2, by looking left, right, front and back you can tell what your enemies are doing. You wont and cant be sure of what they’re thinking because we cant read other people’s minds. But we can predict and prepare just incase they plan… Yes?

So again Dash/Fade and Heal is there for defense.

The knock down and dps skills are there for offense. It’s the same thing and same strategy I mentioned in my previous posts just this time, without combo.

At lvl 142 I converted to martial, my magic attack reached 1000+. While on bm2 I kept in mind:

-That normal attack (even thought its not necessary but fun) is used only on enemies whose attention is not on me.

-AoS is used if I’m rooted by fb as long as AoH (a must in pk) is on or Shadow Shield is received from a FS ally.

-Being aware that my attack is amplified, sometimes I use Shooting Star (damages big and kills faster when it crits) as knock down followed by dps skills and GD as finisher in 1 v 1 pk. I use cannons as knock down followed by dps and SS or GD as finisher against many in pk.

-I dash and fade when hard hitters and multiple enemies out of target start to chase and hit me. I stay away from hard-hitting people who go bm2 and I wait for them to get execrated. If a fb is not present or dumb lazy to do the job, I wait for my allies to tank and lower his hp and then I help kill.

But that’s me. You’re not me and so the most important thing I learned and want to advice while on bm2 is awareness, because though you may hit high and killing is faster, eventually all the attention will be on you and believe me that’s the challenge; you might want to consider thinking of ways for less death and more kills.