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Welcome to http://princessmiavi.blogspot.com

A website owned by Kimi/Miavi. Where she writes her daily stories, experiences, thoughts and rants in Cabal. Feel free to look around, read and leave COMMENTS. Strictly NO HATING, STEALING, COPYING AND BLOG BASHING. Thank you. All Rights Reserve. Copyright to princessmiavi unless otherwise stated.


Kimi. Aka Miavi. Online Gamer. Student. Blogger. Shopaholic. Frustrated Web Deisgner. Pink Princess. Cabal Archer. Feeds On Anything Sweet. Single But So Not Available. Emotional. Artistic. Friendly. Loyal. Hates Flirts, Haters and Plastics.

Sweet Thoughts


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so the header and blog site is © yours truly while the game we play, it's themes, characters and what most of the discussion is mainly about is © CabalOnline. blog layout designer is © to Lhezs. base code images are © to Sizs Shim Oo Ma. © Steph for the pop up message. while the pop up image is © Candied. © Photobucket for hosting my images. My blogs background music is © My Flash Fetish and © Adobe Photoshop program for my image works.!


My combos
`Sunday, May 2, 2010 @ 2:49 PM


I use different combo's on different classes in pvp (duel)

crit shot (20)> shadow shot (20)> terra lance (18)> fire lance (18) and SS ( finisher lvl. 20)
against WI, mFS, FA's coz its all about dps against them.

GD (Gravity Distortion) (15)> crit shot (20)> shadow shot (20)> terra lance (18)> fire lance (18) SS (finisher lvl. 20) against fb's and warriors. I think 70% of the fb's and Wa's I pvped in our server uses force kick in the beginning of combo. If u GD at the same time they cast it, you can stun and completely break their combo and warriors are my common victims of this trick tho it happens rarely. If GD and crit shot both crits you'll have a good start...well not only that, if they hit you with forcekick first, GD will give you chance to move back and make them run towards you while you hit them with the next skill.

now theres a different combo against bladers and sFS. these class maintain very close distance to you during pvp if you notice, so the trick is to make them run.

crit shot (20)> shadow shot(20)> a lance(18)> (somewhere in this point hit GD or if you can see them attacking very close/near you)> a lance or two (18) (if you think SS wont finish it yet)> then hit SS (20) as finisher.
or better use GD only when they're near death as a finisher. But the trick of GD is to make them run, if successful you'll have 1 extra skill hit them before they could reach you.